There are some important new Employment Tribunal payment time limits to be aware of..
The Issue Fee for the Employment Tribunal claim must be paid when the ET1 is lodged, and the ET1 claim will not be valid without it. This is serious in view of the very strict limitation periods which apply to Employment claims.
The Hearing Fee must be paid within 4-6 weeks of the hearing (exact time limits still to be announced). It appears that Fees not promptly paid will result in claims being struck out.
Time limits will not be extended to provide time for claimants to pay tribunal fees.
The Local ET and EAT offices will not handle fees. Instead they will be paid online or through a single centralised processing centre. That centre will also handle applications for fee waivers.
The Fees will be paid either online by credit/debit card, or by cheque if the application is by post.
Appeals should be sent without payment to the local EAT office, and the central processing centre will then issue a notice to pay. Payment can then be made either online by credit/debit card, or by posting a cheque.