Well we have managed it. With great effort from our team here at Box Legal, we have created our new Tribunal Fees website in record time.
We want to make sure we have everything ready for the rush of Employment Lawyers who we expect will be looking for a way to finance and insure the forthcoming Employment Tribunal Fees.
With 7 weeks to go, we are well on target to be able to offer competitive After the Event Insurance products in conjunction with disbursement funding loans. The new fees will have a major impact on work for Employment Firms and so we believe these new ATE products and finance will become an essential requirement for lawyers looking to maintain or indeed increase their client base.
Our website has a large amount of information available but it only really gets interesting behind the scenes. Those firms who sign up to our new Tribunal Fees insurance – called FeeSafe – will gain access to the secure part of our website where all the clever things go on. Our secure area is reserved for panel members and it is from there that solicitors will be able to request policies, manage the insurance on their Tribunal Claims and request that much needed finance.
As usual, we move quickly so have been able to launch these new products with several weeks to spare. If you are an employment lawyer and have any suggestions for our website or indeed product portfolio then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you